Pastor’s blog (Page 9)

The Greatest Wealth

On Sunday we journeyed though 1st Kings chapters 9-10, seeing Israel under the reign of king Solomon rise to its most prominent position among the nations to date. But as in the words of Charles Dickens: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times”, for ultimately the great wealth and security […]


A Model Prayer

On Sunday we were studying the rest of 1 Kings 7, and then chapter 8. As promised we highlighted two supposed errors in the Bible that are found in ch.7. The first is found in v.23, where we are told that the ‘molten sea’ (basically a big circular bath for the priests to wash in), […]


Divinely Inspired!

This Sunday we will be continuing our journey through 1st Kings, chapter 7:13 to the end of chapter 8. Kings is one of those books the critics of the Bible have loved to attack. They rummage around searching for a supposed contradiction, and then hold it aloft and boldly declare they have proven the Bible […]


Living Stones

This morning we looked at 1 Kings 5 through to 1 Kings 7:12. Here we  see Solomon begin to fulfill the great commission given to him by God; that of building the Temple. David had wanted to build the Temple, but he had presided over the nation during a time of war, and much blood had […]


Welcome to our new website

Well, it’s taken a while, but we are finally here with the new web site for Calvary Chapel Portsmouth! Over the next few weeks we will be uploading lots of content, including PDF study notes, and audio teachings that I have given, + my top-10 favorite teachings by other Pastor’s and teachers . We’ll also […]


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