This teaching was given by pastor Barry Forder on 27th September 2020 at Calvary Chapel Portsmouth’s on-line family service.
In this study we begin an exploration of Peter’s second letter.
Peter writes with authority, not from pride or human ego, but from a place of humility, knowing that he has willingly surrendered himself to be a bond-slave of Jesus Christ, and that he had been personally called and commissioned by Jesus Himself.
7x in the first chapter of this epistle Peter speaks of ‘knowledge’. Christian’s are not to be (or should not be!) ignorant of:
- God, His nature & character
- His plan of salvation through Jesus
- How to live a godly life
- Why to live a godly life
- The fruit that our lives should produce
- Our eternal rewards that await us
- The short time we have to fulfil the ministries we have been given
- The certainty of our faith and the solid basis we have for believing
- The importance of prophecy
Peter tells us that if we are to overcome the lust that is in the world (i.e. the craving for things we think will satisfy us or meet a need we think we have), it will be done by taking hold of the promises God has given us.
Some of the key promises we have been given are:
- Promise #1 John 10:27-29 –Through faith in Jesus your eternal salvation is assured
- Promise #2 Colossians 2:13-14 –Your sins are forgiven and wiped clean because of the cross
- Promise # 3 Hebrews 9:14 –Your conscience is also cleansed – setting you free!
- Promise # 4 Romans 8:15-17 –You are now adopted and part of God’s own family
- Promise #5 1 John 3:1 –You have been given the place & position of the 1st born
- Promise #6 1 Peter 1:4 –You have an inheritance that is incorruptible awaiting you
- Promise #7 John 15:16 –You have been chosen by God to be used by Him to produce good fruit!
- Promise #8 2 Timothy 2:13 – God is faithful – even if at times we are unfaithful
May you be blessed and encouraged by this study.