In this introduction to Romans chapter 10, pastor Barry looks from the book of Isaiah at Israel’s past, present and future and note that throughout her history, Israel has repeatedly gone from a place of blessing, to disobedience and the resulting judgment, only to then cry out to God for deliverance and once again receive His […]
In this study we continue our verse-by-verse study through Romans chapter 9, touching on the subject of predestination. How do we understand the fact that God can sovereignly chooses whom He will, and yet at the same time reconcile this with our own personal responsibility? Paul tells us in this chapter that God has sovereignly chosen the Nation […]
In this study we continue looking at one of the most foundational topics in scripture, the Nation of Israel. We see how God has used the Nation of Israel to reveal Himself to the world, and intertwined in their ‘appointed times’ and Feast days we see evidence of God’s divine control of history. We also look at 10 […]
This is the second part of our Christmas 2024 study, looking at the hidden treasures in the Christmas narrative we can find when we look beyond the tradition. This study was taught by Pastor BarryForder. Jesus said that tradition undermines God’s Word. That has never been truer than in regard to the Christmas narrative that […]
***Apologies… There was a problem with the audio quality of this recording*** In this study of Romans chapter 8:7-17 we continue looking at Paul’s teaching on how it is possible to live the Christian life, not by our own good intentions or will power (that will only end in failure and disappointment), but by the […]
Romans chapter 8 is considered by some to be the high-ground of the New Testament. The Apostle Paul begins the chapter by stating that there is no possibility of condemnation for those who are in Christ, and ends the chapter by asserting that there is no possibility of separation from Him either! This should fill the hearts […]
In this verse-by-verse study of Romans chapter 7, given on the 27th October 24, pastor Barry looks at what the Apostle Paul taught us about the purpose and nature of the Law. It cannot make us righteous, it can only condemn. It cannot keep us from sinning, it can only awaken the sinful nature within. The Law […]