Sermons on Israel

Romans 10:1-17

In this study we look at Romans ch10 vs 1- 17. In these verses Paul begins to lay out the fact that Israel had every opportunity to respond in obedience to the Word of God, but instead they ‘would not’, and so their ‘house was left unto them desolate’. (see Matt 23:37-39) Paul drives home […]


Romans 10 – Introuduction

In this introduction to Romans chapter 10, pastor Barry looks from the book of Isaiah at Israel’s past, present and future and note that throughout her history, Israel has repeatedly gone from a place of blessing, to disobedience and the resulting judgment, only to then cry out to God for deliverance and once again receive His […]


Romans 9 1-5 Pt2

In this study we continue looking at one of the most foundational topics in scripture, the Nation of Israel. We see how God has used the Nation of Israel to reveal Himself to the world, and intertwined in their ‘appointed times’ and Feast days we see evidence of God’s divine control of history. We also look at 10 […]


Romans Ch4

In this study of Romans chapter 4, we look at the basis for salvation. How can a just God justify sinful man? It doesn’t matter how good we may think we are, even our highest standard still falls short of the perfection of a holy God. None of us could earn heaven by our efforts, […]


Romans Ch1 1-7

This opening study in our verse-by-verse journey through the book of Romans was taught by pastor Barry Forder on 1st August 2024. On their website, Libertly University in America state: “The great apostle Paul authored at least 13 New Testament epistles. If he were here today with us, and was asked which epistle was the […]


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