In this study, pastor Aaron Evans (Disciples Church, Leatherhead), takes us through a verse-by-verse exposition of Romans chapter 6. What does it mean to be buried with Christ? How sould someone who has given their life to Christ now live? Some have tried to argue that we should continue living in sin that God’s grace may […]
As we continue our mini-series, pastor Barry looks at what the Bible says about blessings. Jesus said that He came to give us an abundant life, but how can we experience it amidst the stresses and pressures of life? Throughout the book of Psalms we are repeatedly told that there are blessings we can have, but they are […]
In this concluding study of 1st Corinthians Pastor Barry asks if we love Jesus more now than when we began? Paul uses his ‘farewell’ address to remind the Corinthian beleivers of the things he had taught them and to encourage them to stand firm, hold fast, and not waiver in their faith, but to also […]
First Corinthians chapter 15 is regarded by some as one of the most important chapters in the Bible! In this study, Pastor Barry starts to unpack this chapter asking ‘why do we believe’? ‘What is the basis for our hope and faith’? The Apostle Paul begins by reminding the Corinthian believers that he had come […]
This study on 1 Corinthians 8-9 was given on 14th January 2024 by pastor Barry Forder. In these chapters, Paul continues addressing the questions the Corinthain believers had raised, particularly here in regard to whether or not they should eat food offered to idols. To understand the context of the question, David Guzik comments: “The meat offered […]
What does it mean to be a Christian? How should a Christian differ from those in the world around us? In this study of 1 Corinthains chapter 6, pastor Barry takes us through this chapter vers-by-verse and highlights how Christians should stand out in today’s world in our morality, attitudes and actions. The world is […]