Sermons on Assyria

Romans 10 – Introuduction

In this introduction to Romans chapter 10, pastor Barry looks from the book of Isaiah at Israel’s past, present and future and note that throughout her history, Israel has repeatedly gone from a place of blessing, to disobedience and the resulting judgment, only to then cry out to God for deliverance and once again receive His […]


Zephaniah Ch2 – 3

This concluding part of our study of Zephaniah was given by pastor Barry Forder at Calvary Chapel Portsmouth on 19th March 2022. In Chapter 2, Zephaniah lays out the coming judgment upon the gentile nations surrounding Israel, for two key reasons: 1) they had not been content with the land allotted to them by the Lord […]


Jonah Ch 1-2

This verse-by-verse study of Jonah (chapters 1-2) was given by pastor Barry Forder at Calvary Chapel Portsmouth on 16th January 2022. We are all familiar with account of Jonah; this man who tries to run away from God and gets swallowed by a big fish! The story itself grabs our intention, but so often the […]


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