Sermons (Page 37)

Genesis 2

This teaching is our fifth session in our verse-by-verse study of the Book of Genesis by pastor Barry – given as part of our family service on 12th February 2017. In this study, as we look at Chapter 2 of Genesis, we see God sanctify the Sabbath, i.e. set it apart. Why was God so […]


Genesis 1 20-31

This teaching is our fourth session in our verse-by-verse study of the Book of Genesis by pastor Barry – given as part of our family service on 5th February 2017. In this study we look at the fifth and sixth day of creation, and we now find the beginning of self-replicating conscious life. This is […]


Genesis 1 6-19

This teaching is our third session in our verse-by-verse study of the Book of Genesis by pastor Barry – given as part of our family service on 29th January 2017.   We live in a world where ‘science’ has proven that God does not exist and the Bible is nothing more than ancient folklore – […]


Genesis 1 2-5

This teaching is our second session in our verse-by-verse study of the Book of Genesis by pastor Barry – given as part of our family service on 22nd January 2017. Genesis is arguably the most attacked book in the Bible (Revelation comes a close second!). This should come as no surprise because Genesis not only […]


Genesis – Introduction & verse 1

This teaching is our first session in our verse-by-verse study of the Book of Genesis by pastor Barry – given as part of our family service on 15th January 2017. In this session we ask the question, can Genesis really be taken seriously in today’s high-tech and scientific world? This session also includes a short […]


Psalm 119 169-176

This study is the final study on our journey through Psalm 119, recorded on 27th October as part of out family service. If you live in the Portsmouth area, we invite you to come and join us. ת Tau: Verses 169-176 The word תאוה (ta’awa) means boundary (that which is marked) or limit. Drawing the […]


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